Readers ask, we answer: How can I protect my smile from cold weather?

Fresh snow and brisk air create a winter wonderland, but chilly temperatures can also cause oral health issues. Here are the most common dental problems in the winter and ways you can protect your smile this season.

Problem #1: Canker and cold sores

For many, cold weather can trigger painful canker sores or cold sores. Canker sores are shallow ulcers inside the mouth, while cold sores are blisters that appear outside the mouth.

The solution: Give it time and avoid hot and spicy food.

For both canker and cold sores, avoid hot and spicy foods, which can exacerbate the discomfort.

To speed up the healing process, try swishing lukewarm saltwater when you have a canker sore. For cold sores, use over-the-counter creams. If that doesn’t work for you, talk to your physician about a prescription solution.

Problem #2: Chapped lips

The chilly breeze can strip away your lips’ natural moisture, leaving them parched and cracked.

The solution: Keep your lip balm close.

When temperatures drop, it’s time to regularly apply lip balm – and make sure it’s one that contains an SPF of at least 30. This will help prevent chapped lips. The SPF will also protect you against harmful sun rays. Believe it or not, sun rays can still cause damage in the winter.

Whether you’re sledding, shoveling snow or simply taking a walk in cold winter air, a chilly breeze can strip away your lips’ natural moisture – leaving them parched and cracked.

Problem #3: Sensitive teeth

Do you experience tooth sensitivity with cold foods or drinks? Cold air – like cold foods or drinks – can also cause discomfort if you have sensitive teeth. There are several reasons this could be the case: worn tooth enamel, exposed roots due to cavities, teeth grinding or gum disease are a few.

The solution: Visit your dentist to determine the cause of sensitivity.

Don’t let your discomfort continue – seek expert advice. Book an appointment with your dentist. They’ll pinpoint the cause and may recommend solutions like desensitizing toothpaste, better oral care or dietary changes.

Be vigilant about your oral health this season. That way you can enjoy winter’s charm without compromising your smile. Stay warm and keep smiling.