Why water is good for dental health

Water. It nourishes plants, ocean life and even the cells in your body. But did you know that it’s also essential to your dental health? Take a minute to find out the four ways water helps your teeth and gums.

1. Rinse away harmful bacteria

Drinking water after eating can help cleanse your palate, teeth and breath, especially when you can’t sneak away to brush. Food leaves behind remnants that break down into cavity-causing acids.

Want to stop this process in its tracks? Keep a glass of water handy to follow up your meal. Water helps wash away those bits of food and bacteria before they can wreak havoc in your mouth. What’s more, it dilutes the acidity in your mouth.

2. Strengthen enamel

Did you know that the surface of your teeth is the hardest substance in the human body? Harder than even bone, enamel is 96% mineral. But if you don’t watch out, acidic foods and drinks can quickly soften this important defense.

To protect your teeth against tooth decay, choose fluoridated tap water. In a process called remineralization, fluoride helps harden your enamel, making it more difficult for cavities to form. If your local water supply isn’t fluoridated, talk to your dentist about fluoride supplements.

3. Fight dry mouth

Dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, it also raises your risk of gum disease and decay. Saliva helps wash away harmful bacteria and acids. Keep a water bottle nearby and sip throughout the day to keep your mouth moist.

4. Keep you hydrated

Other drinks just don’t compare. Water is the best way to hydrate. Without any dehydrating additives, water quickly quenches your thirst for a healthy mouth and body. Looking for a new spin on an old favorite? Add a touch of blackberry and mint to your water.

Did you know…?

The average adult needs anywhere from eight to 13 cups of water every day.