Build a better breakfast

It’s a cliché to say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Eating breakfast sets you up for your day and can help you make healthier decisions.

Eating a breakfast that’s high in protein and fiber can make you less likely overeat at lunch or get snacky during the day.

Studies even show that a healthy breakfast can be helpful for:

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    Maintaining a healthy weight

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    Increasing energy

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    Staying alert, focused and happy

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    Reducing risk of diabetes and heart disease

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    Lowering levels of bad cholesterol

Did you know?

One study showed that people who skipped breakfast four to five days a week had a 55% increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

Your kids need breakfast, too.

Children who eat breakfast are more likely to be focused, have more energy and score higher on tests than children who don’t.

Like adults, kids who skip breakfast are more likely to eat poorly later in the day and have more body fat than children who eat breakfast daily. Eating cavity-causing junk food to fill up after skipping breakfast is bad for children’s and adults’ teeth and overall health.

What makes a nutritious breakfast?

Eating foods that contain plenty of protein and fiber can help you stay full longer. You may even benefit from better overall health!

Eggs are packed with antioxidants and can help prevent eye disorders and improve brain and liver health.

The protein and phosphorous in eggs help protect your teeth’s enamel.

Try them this way: Make an omelet or breakfast burrito with a whole-grain tortilla filled with nutritious veggies and calcium-packed cheese.

Oatmeal is a fiber that not only makes you feel full but also helps lower cholesterol.

Oats are packed with vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, iron and zinc that help prevent mouth sores, inflammation, gum disease and cavities.

Delicious add-ins: Fruit, nuts and milk all make mouth-friendly additions to your oatmeal.
Greek yogurt has more protein than regular yogurt and is a great source of probiotics to boost your immune system.

The calcium and phosphorus in Greek yogurt work together to strengthen your teeth.

Make it healthier: Choose an unsweetened or low-sugar version and sweeten it naturally with cinnamon and fruit. Top with antioxidant-rich chia seeds.

Cottage cheese provides the perfect mixture of low calories and high protein.

Like other dairy foods, cottage cheese is full of calcium, a vital mineral for great oral health.
Serving suggestion: Add nutrient-dense berries or mix with eggs to make a healthy frittata.

Unsweetened smoothies allow you to get your morning nutrition from a beverage that combines milk, fruit and veggies.

Of course, milk is an outstanding source of smile-enhancing calcium.

Give it a boost: Add some additional protein powder to keep you feeling full longer.

Produce is a good choice for your smile any time of day.

Fruits can add sweetness or flavor to breakfast, and veggies can contribute fiber and vitamins.

Start with the basics: If you’re not sure where to start, you can create delicious breakfast bowls centered on fruits or vegetables.

Don’t skip breakfast but do skip these choices:

Many breakfast staples are frequently laden with calories and cavity-causing sugars and starches but low in filling fiber and protein, including:


Pastries and doughnuts

Breakfast bars

Pancakes, waffles and maple syrup



Fruit juice


Fast-food breakfast items

Say no to these options. When you eat a filling and nutritious breakfast, you’re setting yourself up for a day of healthy choices.